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Signing The Code Of Ethics

I hereby agree to abide by Itinérance Zéro's Code of Ethics and I am aware of the obligations and duties it implies. I understand that if I disagree with any of the articles in the code of ethics, I must take responsibility for ceasing my involvement as a volunteer. At all times, I undertake not to exchange my contact information (telephone, Facebook, address) with the people I serve (this rule does not take into account contacts exchanged before joining Itinérance Zéro).

Dear volunteer,

Thank you for being part of this great civic initiative!

Respect in all its forms is paramount and represents one of Itinérance Zéro's core values. As such, a code of ethics exists and was updated at the last AGM in June 2022.

We ask every volunteer, employee and board member to read and sign it. 

Please take the time to read the organization's code of ethics carefully before signing the form.

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